All Credit goes to Original Author CS SME
Insyallah Admin akan terus mengupdate konten konten bermanfaat buat kalian semua.
Yuk langsung saja kali ini saya akan membagikan game CS SME.
Sangat disayangkan CS SME v6.6 ini merupakan game terakhir jadi CS SME ini sudah tidak di update oleh pihak authoe CS SME sendiri. Tp jangan bersedih karena di update an kali ini ada senjata baru yang sangat OverPower.
Penasaran kan?
Weapon Update
- Magnum Launcher
Balance patch
- Add sybot AI Addon
- Scope weapons' error fixed
- Destroyer's Scope side texture error fixed
- Add New costume "Angra's wing"
- Zombie Giant mode's round error fixed
- Star Chaser SR's scope fixed
- Savery's scope fixed
- rpg-7's explosion knockback fixed
- bendita's zombie mode damage fixed
- gae-bolg's explosion effect fixed
- Red dragon cannon's effect fixed
- Use Zombie hero mode's supply box, than give smoke grenade fixed
- Use Zombie mutant mode's supply box, than give smoke grenade fixed
- rail cannon's balance fixed
- Bunker Buster LTD's balance fixed
- hit with smoke grenade Bunker Buster LTD's error fixed
- Add delay's melee weapons attack fixed
- change Metatron's deathless skill can player use
- Metatron's deathless skill patch don't have knockback and stiffen
- Metatron's first model fixed
- Metatron's deathless skill patch third model fixed
- Sidekick menu's ui fixed
- Hero weapon menu's ui fixed
- change zombie select time - 10sec
- change zombie select menu's system
- New zombie "china, banshee, blotter, chaser"
- change bot's nickname like CSO
- removed bot chat system in game
- sometimes, F4 key (costume menu) can not open error fixed
- Janus-5 B mode's ammo hud bug fixed
- Metatron's heal skill hud bug fixed
- Metatron's heal skill give 2000 health patch
- Zombie giant mode's XT-300 bug fixed
Cara Install
- Download kedua file dibawah.
- Ekstark File Game dan extract file patch ke dalam folder yg sama ( replace all ).
- Jika sobat ingin memilih senjata, pilih My weapon editor pada launcher cs sme.
- Sobat bisa memilih mode yang sobat ingin.
- Tinggal sobat klik launch.
- Enjoy
13 komentar
kok game nya crash
Jangan terlalu banyak milih senjata, usahakan di bawah 90.
gan,, cara start zombie escape gimana?
eror model w_gunkata.mdl pada saat masuk game ?
Min, Kok Bahasanya Masih Korea Cara Gantinya Gimana?
min windows 7 bisa gk
Bisa Gan
gk bisa keluar mulu ini gamenya
Keren bang, makasih ya^_^
link rusak
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